Building up Contribution… one step at a time! How can we support people to build up contribution and responsibility?
How do we build up contribution? Cara Milne of M-Powered Planning will examine the significance of genuine responsibility to help people succeed and build up self-esteem. This dynamic conversation will include the consequences of what happens when support teams unintentionally get in the way of people connecting to their communities and the opportunities that surround them. Worship participants will be engaged not to pass that crayon!
Stories and content will include:
- How do we build up personhood, and take down stereotypes?
- Where is the community?
- How can support teams do with… not for?
- How can support teams give the space for people to succeed?
- How do we support people to contribute?
Keynote Length: 60-90 minutes
To book call Cara Milne: (403)764-1365 or email: [email protected]